Tuesday, December 1, 2009

bad girls club - members only

@sexilantavegas and @drtysouthyankee have both nominated me for the reality show " The Bad Girls Club. " Fuck it, I agree. I like to cuss it releases all this shit i got stored up inside me. It makes me feel better to scream MFer this and B***H that. I`ve been through the fire, the storms, and the sunny days, all that does is fuel me even more. Seriously, if I went on that show, I would fight everyday. I get fed up by stupidity. I`m ruthless and I don`t ever plan to stop. People are stupid with skewed ass mentals and they need to be checked. No harm, no foul if you can suck shit up right? In th 11th grade Mr. Bowers was like damn, why are you so angry?! I was like that`s just me I think...Maybe I am naturally angry and irate. I had a conversation with two different people about my happiness and one said she thinks my art [poetry] would suffer if I`m ever totally content, the other said the same and also she thinks that is what makes me uniquely crafted and offset from the rest. I agree. I`m not mad, it`s just me. I could never be mellow it wouldn`t feel right.
w h a t y o u s a y t r i c k

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